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Tent Wine Lodge With Cozy Comfort For Evenings Around A Wood Stove

Camping Bel'époque du Pilat

Herontdek het plezier van de tent rond de houtkachel

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9.26 /10
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  • 9 / 10
    David R Posted 23/09/2024

    Type of stay : Autre

    Accommodation : TENT WINE LODGE with cozy comfort for evenings around a wood stove

    Period of stay : From 20/09/2024 to 22/09/2024

    The establishment

    Le calme l’accueil il et vraiment incroyable j

    Rien il et très bien

    Accommodation review

    Très bien

    *Evaluations that are not older than three years and have undergone a verification process. More info
    (chocolate chunks, nuts, raisins...)

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